
12 of 48 Items
  • The Elephant

    Shane Smith. Elephant. Thick. Opals. Great grip. Lays down like a champ. AMAZING! 13" As always, giv…

  • Shane Smith Rig 2

    Shane Smith rig. Great color, cold work (faceting) and dichro. Opals. Love. ~8" As always, give us a…

  • AOH x Tyner Set

    Art of Hustle and Matt Tyner collabed to produce this insane set. Sick linework. Large attachments.&…

  • Danny B Dry 2

    Danny B heady AF dry.  Multiple sections and attachments. Impeccable fumes. ~7" As always, give…

  • Danny B Dry 1

    Danny B heady AF dry.  Multiple sections and attachments. Impeccable fumes. ~7" As always, give…

  • Layst Sherlock 2

    Layst Glass with a great daily heady dry lock. Sweet work, full color. As always, give us a call wit…

  • Layst Sherlock 1

    Layst Glass with a great daily heady dry lock. Sweet dot work, full color. As always, give us a call…

  • Aley Cat Sherlock

    Aley Cat glass with a sick line and dichro lock. Opal attachment.  ~6" As always, give us a cal…

  • Struve Dry Pipe

    Struve Glass made a handfull of fumed goodness with this piece. Amazing color if you allow it to get…

12 of 48 Items